About LeadersWay

How We Began
The principles of LeadersWay were shaped by the hard-earned lessons Kevin received as a young business owner. At the age of 24, he took over a successful automotive business. But despite the fact that he was making good money and the company was profitable, he was unhappy. He couldn’t understand why. Why was there a disconnect between the health of his business and his own well-being? Why did he dread going to work? After careful self-reflection, Kevin realized that the responsibility lay with him. He’d been taking care of the financial side of the business, but had been failing himself and his employees by neglecting the health of his business’s culture. It was a painful lesson to learn, but once he was able to diagnose the problem, he went about fixing it, making changes to prioritize the well-being of his staff. What happened next floored him: profits improved six-fold. His company became attractive to employees and investors. Suddenly, he found himself being courted by people wanting to buy the company from him.
LeadersWay was founded on the belief that Kevin could replicate his success in other businesses—that, by focusing on people, he could boost profits and employee satisfaction. LeadersWay has been fulfilling that mission for over 20 years.